Herramientas de cómputo - Octave
View more presentations from Jorge Sepúlveda
% Parameter M adjacency matrix where M_i,j represents the link from 'j' to 'i', such that for all 'j' sum(i, M_i,j) = 1 % Parameter d damping factor % Parameter v_quadratic_error quadratic error for v % Return v, a vector of ranks such that v_i is the i-th rank from [0, 1] function [v] = rank(M, d, v_quadratic_error) N = size(M, 2); % N is equal to half the size of M v = rand(N, 1); v = v ./ norm(v, 2); last_v = ones(N, 1) * inf; M_hat = (d .* M) + (((1 - d) / N) .* ones(N, N)); while(norm(v - last_v, 2) > v_quadratic_error) last_v = v; v = M_hat * v; v = v ./ norm(v, 2); end endfunction function [M]=GenerarM(size) M=sparse(size,size); for i=1:size for j=1:size if (i!=j) if (rand(1)>=0.75) M(i,j)=1; endif endif endfor endfor MuestraM=full(M) for j=1:size suma=0; for i=1:size suma=suma+M(i,j); endfor for i=1:size M(i,j)=M(i,j)/suma; endfor endfor M=full(M); endfunction v=rank(GenerarM(15), 0.80, 0.001) bar(v,'facecolor',"green") title('Page Rank de las Paginas','Fontsize',48); ylim([0,1]) xlim([0,16]) xlabel('NUMERO DE PAGINA','Fontsize',32) ylabel('PAGE RANK','Fontsize',32) print -djpg "grafica.jpg"